
Nuclear And Radiation Blog 1: What is Nuclear Fusion and Nuclear Fission

Credits for Bkrivi09 for the nuclear disaster to inspire me to make nuclear blogs.

What is nuclear Fission?

Nuclear Fission is the process where a particle, collide with Uranium 238 or Uranium 235, Causing the element to form lots of energy.


  • This is not a Renewable energy, because it waste Uranium at earth
  • It uses water as a thing that absorb heat from the Fission, making energy

What is Nuclear Fusion?

Nuclear Fusion is the process where two hydrogen atom, forming energy
Step 1: Two hydrogen atom collide, forming Deuterium
Step 2: Three hydrogen atom collide, forming Tritium
Step 3: Deuterium collide with tritium forming helium and hydrogen
Then repeat over again


  • It only occurs naturally at the core of the star(e.g our sun)
  • Helium-3 can be used to fuse, but its rare and can only be found in our moon and solar wind
  • It is neither a Renewable energy or a non-renewable energy
  • In english, Fusion means join together

Difference between Fusion and Fusing

Fusion is the process of two element collide, While Fission is the process of breaking apart.