
My playing style

I've heard a lot about playing styles in chess, but I've never been able to figure mine out. Not have my friends, really. Can some of you guys advise me after checking out my games? I play (as black) the KID and the Najdorf, and as white e4, d4 and c4.

And classical ones, please. I just mess around in blitz and rapid.
"I have no style" - Karpov
style decide on how you play a particular position when u have two ways to win a sacrificial part or a technical part in a passive position where your opponent does not have counterplay tal would crush his opponent with a sacrifice on the contrary karpov will just stop all counterplay and strangle u to death
I have trouble understanding how a player on lichess with a 2300 rating in classical who plays
urusov gambits, iqp's, sicilian najdorfs and kid defenses doesn't know the style of play he plays
That's because I feel comfortable both while attacking and playing endings
Can you recommend some other openings for me if you feel I fit them better?
Thanks guys! Especially hisohax
Attacker with good endgame knowledge...
Then you have a Fischer-esque playing style, see, you know your style. Ever tried kia or ruy Lopez?
@CountCracula if u prefer attacking and endgames, complicate ur games and don't give up pawns with no compensation. Look at games of Tal, Judit and Shirov. They are aggressive but knows when to attack. Make sure to have a good endgame if the attack failed or didn't checkmate the king.
That's some good advice, if you want to be an attacker, learn when to attack... Understand why you gave up your material. Your sacrifices do not need to be completely sound, but the more accurate the better. Giving up material willy-nilly is just jolly-folly.

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