
Why do so many people cheat on Lichess?

I have made plenty of friends here, a large and unexpected portion of them have been marked as cheaters. It makes me sad to come back and see that people who I played with closed their accounts or are considered cheaters. Is it possible they got better very fast? Or are they actually cheating?
I came up against the same situation. And I not really represent system of an assessment.
I know only that in the beginning someone makes the complaint about you. And then the system renders a verdict. For me a problem that I do not know evaluation criteria. Therefore I do not trust system completely.
It is interesting to me to learn the answer to a question: "How is defined that the person - the cheater?"
@Snake_Plissken It gets kinda sad when people who I become friends with never play anymore cuz they are flagged as cheaters, one of them even artificially changed their rating. It seems some people don't have the patience to get better :(
I'm sure that there are plenty of moderators behind the scene. The ways of cheating in chess has increased but thankfully so has the number of way cheating can be spotted by the moderator. I have had may notifications of players who have cheated and been caught. It proves that the moderators are doing their job. It's unfortunate that this problem exists but it seem to me that the problem is being tackled well. I'm sorry if you've lost a lot of friends because of this but on the plus side, it makes sure that the game of chess is kept clean.
@#5: I wouldn't call 'Stable_Dweller' a cheater since that's a pretty common sacrificial attack, launched from openings like the KG, IG, etc... I think I got hit with it twice today, lol. (Its not always a winner, lol.)

The 'system(s)' used by lichess and other sites is probably very good and being refined as time goes on, I don't see any reason not to trust it.
@#1: 1) they want to, 2) they can, 3) they're assholes. Any more questions?
As someone who was accused of cheating on another site, I can honestly say I cannnot trust these systems and know they are not perfect. It just so happens I was accused of cheating on this other chess(.com) site soon after two events happened.

1. I stopped being a paying member.
2. I had just blundered my Queen.

This really left a sour taste in my mouth and left many questions unanswered. If being accused wasn't bad enough, the appeal process was even worse as I was on that site for over 15 years playing chess honestly. Then when I decided to stop paying, I am 'accused' of cheating and kicked off the site with no answer.

#8 didn't exist 15 years ago so I'd love to know how you were playing there back then. If you're going to make stuff up, at least make it believable.

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