
Double attack on check ends game

You don't see a move like this too often I call it brilliant what would you say?

I call it discovery attack.

Also used when your rook is blocking your own pawn from promoting when only the pawn is attacked and not the actual promoting square. You sacrifice your rook as a clearance with a check, and you do promote also with a check.

Its actually quite common.

Its not brilliant at all, but still, good job finding the move. Hope more of those happen, so you can master them.
#3 "In chess, a discovered attack is a direct attack revealed when one piece moves out of the way of another. Discovered attacks can be extremely powerful, as the piece moved can make a threat independently of the piece it reveals. Like many chess tactics, they succeed because the opponent is unable to meet two threats at once. While typically the consequence of a discovered attack is the gain of material, they do not have to do this to be effective; the tactic can be used merely to gain a tempo.[2] If the discovered attack is a check, it is called a discovered check. "

"In chess, a fork is a tactic in which a piece attacks two or more pieces simultaneously. "

The bishop moved out of the way and opened a discovery attack on white rook from a black rook. As the bishop gave a check, both treats cannot be addressed simultaneously, the consequence in this case was gain of material.

Now, you are looking at the fork that the bishop created, but its not really a fork as you are not threatening to capture the knight, the rook is hanging, and if the rook falls, the pawn never promotes and you will probably lose the game because you have the wrong bishop for the job. You are looking at the wrong side of the board.
Although this attacks the king and the knight while discovering an attack on the rook, after White moves, say: 36. f3, Black can only take one piece, and has no way to win both. For example, after gobbling up the White rook with 36... Rxa1, White knight can escape with 37. Nb4. Again, this attack wins material, and yes, you don't see these "double attack on check" moves all the time, but like @Alientcp said, it just isn't too 'brilliant'.
Fantastic play by black, a discover attack + a fork + a hanging rock.
While not really brilliant, discovered check (the actual name of the tactic) can be really satisfying to do. Great job!
@rmilin 24.g3 was a mistake because it allowed the black bishop to become the master of the white squares. Nice tactical strike in a winning position. But if your opponent saw him, then you still had to show your technique for realizing the advantage.

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