
Season 10 - Fourth Level - Group G

No one technically replaced @roumengou and @christianmfranck as they both left the League after being promoted to (old) Third Level.

However due to The New Third level and spots opening up on the Fourth level due to people leaving, players placed 3rd, 4th and 5th was moved up (promoted) to the New Fourth Level.
Thank's Journopete for this clear and friendly summary. As christianmfranck specifies, this result did not arrive easily and it required a lot of thinking time for each move. That's what I like about match correspondance games. But I need to progress in quick games and therefore stop the correspondance league. Thank's for the organisation and congratulation to christianm for his victory.
Thank you @roumengou - and well done on winning the league! Hope to see you back soon - I'm not playing much over the board chess at the moment but hope the correspondence is helping!

To clarify what @CarlFromFinland has said, a new third tier was brought in to accommodate the high number of higher rated players joining the league. The top two from Group G therefore had their places in the third tier for Season 11 taken by two of the replacement players.

The mid/lower end of tier 3 and nid/higher end of tier 4 from last season now form the new tier 4. @oliverjrwise, @CelestineProphet and @Don_Tonio are in tier 4. @kochb61 is in tier 5 (as he finished lower half in tier 4) and @hydroshadow was relegated so drops to tier 6 for the new campaign (last season's tier 5). The rest of this group did not even term Season 11.

I hope that all makes sense!
Thanks for all the organisation that this involved. I am not taking a break due to my incredibly poor form - rather several large life events are happening at once. I hope to be back in a season or two.

All the best

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