
I was suspected of cheating OTB

Ok after reviewing your game. It kind of looks like he might have had a point. You played 100% computer moves. Not exactly exonerating you. You happened to find any but beads around?
@DrHotBunz said in #12:
> Ok after reviewing your game. It kind of looks like he might have had a point. You played 100% computer moves. Not exactly exonerating you.

I was fortunate enough to not make any major blunders, but I hardly played perfectly. I don't think any of my moves were inhuman (if you disagree, please point them out). In any case, I think his (and/or his mom's) suspicions were based on the rectangular object in my pocket, which happened to be my room key.

> You happened to find any but beads around?

No, someone with hotter bunz bought the last set.
On a side note, note that he got down to a single second for the last two moves before move 40!
@DrHotBunz said in #12:
> Ok after reviewing your game. It kind of looks like he might have had a point. You played 100% computer moves. Not exactly exonerating you. You happened to find any but beads around?

That kind of minority attack almost plays itself for most of the match. There are some good moves in the ~35 move region, but white really only takes advantage of one mistake and that seals it.
Hand over the BUTT BEADS !!!!!!! We know you have them!
you can have my beads when you can pry them from my cold, dead...
what?! you've already lost interest?

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