

Hello lichess administators @thibault, I have recently discovered that my account has been hacked because my profile was supposed to have an imagur saying play like bobby fischer but now it says
pls help me to find what happend
Best regards, Chessgint22
The image is most likely not available any more on the site it was posted or moved.
It's a paradox. Given that "this content" is self-referential and demonstratively proximal, it is in fact, obviously available. It reminds me of the publishing convention, "this page intentionally left blank". Well, it's not blank anymore.
LOL feeding the troll, cool inject man. How did you do it?

It would be a really stupid hacker, not changing the password. 😝 Btw I think lichess admins can see where you log in into an account, so it‘s not worth hacking.
btw the gif has been made private by gify, and this not related to chess

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