
The Case of Angelo Diablo

Angelo Diablo had a brain-damaged bonobo named Behaard the retaard. One day Angelo discovered that Behaard was suffering from a priapism. He went to the internet and found a video giving instructions for treating the condition using a fishhook and a turkey baster. Even though he was not a licensed veterinarian, he successfully treated his bonobo's "saluting soldier". He subsequently returned to the website and discovered that the instructional video was actually a pirated copy published without permission from the copyright owner. Angelo felt horrified and wanted to compensate the copyright owner for using information which he mistakenly thought was available for free.

There are three people standing before the Judge; Angelo, the copyright owner, and the website pirate. Judge Qoymans, who will get justice and who will get the shaft?
Hi Anish, is that you? how are you?
Here is what I found on internet:

The case submittor fails to mention which of the three is being accused; it will be assumed the pirate is. The web site pirate is guilty of copyright violation. Punishment: 1) A fine, the size of which is dependent on the duration and exposure of the illegal publication; 2) Compensation to be paid by the pirate to the copyright holder, the size of which is to be determined by the latter; 3) The illegal publication must be removed, and the pirate is prohibited from publishing on the Internet for a period, the size of which is dependent on the duration and exposure of the illegal publication.

For clarity, Angelo Diablo is not guilty of anything, and any debt of his to the copyright holder propagates up to the pirate.

Dank u wel.

Angelo will get the shaft as he doesn't have a fair chance in this fight.
The copyright will get reimbursed but not by the guilty party.
The pirate will get off cleanly to avoid adding to the criminal stats.
Angelo Diablo had a brain-damaged bonobo named Behaard the retaard. One day Angelo discovered that Behaard was suffering from a priapism. He went to the internet and found a video giving instructions for treating the condition using a fishhook and a turkey baster. Even though he was not a licensed veterinarian, he successfully treated his bonobo's "saluting soldier". He subsequently returned to the website and discovered that the instructional video was actually a pirated copy published without permission from the copyright owner. Angelo felt horrified and wanted to compensate the copyright owner for using information which he mistakenly thought was available for free.

There are three people standing before the Judge; Angelo, the copyright owner, and the website pirate. Judge Qoymans, who will get justice and who will get the shaft?
Angelo Diablo had a brain-damaged bonobo named Behaard the retaard. One day Angelo discovered that Behaard was suffering from a priapism. He went to the internet and found a video giving instructions for treating the condition using a fishhook and a turkey baster. Even though he was not a licensed veterinarian, he successfully treated his bonobo's "saluting soldier". He subsequently returned to the website and discovered that the instructional video was actually a pirated copy published without permission from the copyright owner. Angelo felt horrified and wanted to compensate the copyright owner for using information which he mistakenly thought was available for free.

There are three people standing before the Judge; Angelo, the copyright owner, and the website pirate. Judge Qoymans, who will get justice and who will get the shaft?
@yusman do you seriously think the #4 player in the world has time to come and post in a forum randomly? COMMON
Why not? They have simple lives and motives as we do.
About posts #6 and #7.
Do you think the #1 player has the time to win a normal online tournament? Do you think that the best bullet player has the time to play against players he could beat in his sleep? Do you think that high-ranked streamers (not all but many) would waste time playing opponents who are 1000 points lower?

I don't know what motivates humans, but it seems that a lot of them want nothing to do but waste their time.
"I don't know what motivates humans" - MONEY
"Do you think the #1 player has the time to win a normal online tournament?" - YES, Its worth $500
"Do you think that the best bullet player has the time to play against players he could beat in his sleep? - YES! as long as he can earn $500 in 2hrs.
"Do you think that high-ranked streamers (not all but many) would waste time playing opponents who are 1000 points lower?" - YES!, cos the lower rated players donate money to the streamers.
All great comments!
By the way, I just realized this Judge Qoymans has a lot of other cases and verdicts online.
Although Behaard never responded in this post, he might have some interest in law degree, ethics and philosophy.
Now, that is complicated like ultrabullet chess!

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