
In Chess Study long texts are truncated

When a comment is long on a move, the text is truncated with the symbol [...].
I could not find any way to display this text except if I am the owner of the study and click on comment (to modify the text).
Wow, that was a quick response!
Here are some more examples:

or here (see comment to move 4):

I can see the full comment if I open it for editing (I am the owner of this one).
Everybody must click on the comment/speech bubble symbol to read the full text if the text is too long to be fully readable in the move list.
No, this is not how it is working. I see the following when I click on the speech bubble for the listed examples:
"Only the study members can comment on moves".
As I stated in my original post, I am able to do this on my own study but not on other public studies. In that case I only see the above message.
You can pin the comment to the chapter. Then it will be seen under (beneath) the board in full length. See red marked area of the screenshot!
I opened the second chapter of the second study which you posted in #4
Then I went to the end of the game into the side variation where a long text was attached at the end.
I can read the whole text when I click on the comment/speech bubble symbol. See the copy of this text at the end of this posting.
If you can't do the same in somebody else's study then something is wrong. But I don't know what.

EmaciatedSpaniard on 25... Qxe1#: Final comments:
Caro-Kann is a solid defense against a strong opponent, but there are potential pitfalls. For more insight I recommend the excellent in depth study by Northern05

Advice for White and Black

- should control the important e5 square.
- After Black plays c4, try to establish a Queenside pawn majority
- play c4 to control d5 if possible
- after c4, do not advance too early to prevent Black from using d5
- try to control or occupy d4
- play c5 to free up your game, if it doesn't help white's piece mobility
- after c4, move a rook to d1 to contest this file
- counter white's Ne5, by an early Nd7
- avoid damaging your pawn structure by preventing exchanges involving your pawns
Ok, I take it back. When I click the comment/speech bubble and scroll thru the moves, I do see the comments in one of the two windows below the chess board. When I view my study, the move comments appear below the rather lengthy pinned study comment. The [...] symbol only appears in the comments next to the actual chess notation. I think it was because I wasn't actually on the move with the comment. I apologize for the trouble and thanks again for the quick reply!

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