
One hundred million dollars

@pretzelattack1 said in #10:
> @ AlexiHarvey
> given the overwrought language in the filing, i suspect they weren't thinking of it as humorous.

It reads like they have been repeating their rhetorics on internet and in their heads so often that they've completely forgotten how ridiculous they sound.
Many say that the lawsuit's language is nothing short of ridiculous, and it may be true, parts of it do sound that way to a chess savvy person, but the target audience of this text is not the chess community. It is the jury and the judge, it is them that the lawyers who wrote this document are seeking to convince, not you guys. If you think that Niemann's lawyers are incompetent bozos who don't know what they are doing, think again.
He’s asking for $400m+ (four claims for $100m each + some more for good luck.
$100 million is to force him hire a good lawyer since the stakes are high, and allow the lawyer to run up a bill since the lawyer is protecting Magnus from $100 million.

Lawsuits are usually not won on merits but rather on who runs out of money to pay lawyers first. That determines settlement leverage.
@Chesserroo2 said in #15:
> $100 million is to force him hire a good lawyer since the stakes are high, and allow the lawyer to run up a bill since the lawyer is protecting Magnus from $100 million.
> Lawsuits are usually not won on merits but rather on who runs out of money to pay lawyers first. That determines settlement leverage.
It also makes the world take account. The culture some people have, where bullying is not just acceptable even but fun, needs to be held up to scrutiny. Hopefully Magnus, Hikaru and chess.corn, on top of the settlements they will likely have to offer, take actions to improve themselves to help prevent this kind of warped thinking in chess' future. That will be the benefit to the law suit, I expect most people would hope for.
“Players that ‘support Nieman’, who is an admitted cheat, must be themselves, cheats”, is a sentiment that’s been seen in this forum a number of times.

It’s wrong. People making these statements should be very careful. Claiming that others are cheats without any foundation, even if specific players are not named, is not right.

You’re not publicly shaming a single player, but labelling a whole number of honest players who subscribe to the view that proof of cheating should be provided before a character assassination takes place. Or maybe they do ‘support’ Nieman. So what? It’s not for them to justify their position.

These people think that social media is a vehicle for them to lay baseless accusations at someone’s door. One day, they will overstep the mark!
@TheMandalorianChild said in #18:
> I found this assessment useful.
Well hopefully it's unbiased and not sponsored by Magnus' company! Oh wait, "6:30- Thanks to our chess sponsors, Chessable and AImchess. If you decide to subscribe to Aimchess, use this link or the code Perpetual30 to save 30%. "
@Nomoreusernames said in #19:
> Well hopefully it's unbiased and not sponsored by Magnus' company! Oh wait, "6:30- Thanks to our chess sponsors, Chessable and AImchess. If you decide to subscribe to Aimchess, use this link or the code Perpetual30 to save 30%. "

Did you even listen to the podcast? Obviously not. The interviewed lawyer said that the lawsuit has its merits in some points. Whatever.

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