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36 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Opening Explorer percentages seem inconsistent#6

Yes, it is an effect of move order e.g. the position after 1. d4 Nf6 2. Be3 e6 3. c3 d5 4. f3 is more often reached via 1. d4 Nf6 2. f3 d5 3. c3 e6 4. Be3 In other words: The statistics - are based on…

General Chess Discussion - Books related to Positional & Stratic Play#2

Maybe you like a modern classic: "How to reassess your chess" from Jeremy Silman. A longer preview can be found here In addition books from…

General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to force a sharp position against Caro-Kann?#6

If you want to force a sharp line against the Caro-Kann the Panov which was recommended above is an option but offers black very different responses and you would need to learn all of them. The h4-var…

General Chess Discussion - a4 Ra3 is actually good!!#14

Of course a4+Ra3 is a bad opening ... but ... as long as there are many pawns on the board and no open lines for the rooks you can get positions in which the lack of the bishop on the black squares ca…

General Chess Discussion - Searching for a simple line for black!#9

Hmm, usually French players love to play against the advance variation because it allows black to play the purest form of the opening ideas (except those who play the Rubinstein). Not sure what you di…

General Chess Discussion - How to identify style?#6

Here is a link to a quiz/questionnaire/test which you can take to identify your style :-)

General Chess Discussion - Tactics book for a 1700#11

Old but really good is John Nunns "Learn Chess Tactics". Beside the classic book form there are also interactive ebook versions. In the PDF-preview which is part of the description in the link below y…

General Chess Discussion - Need help to find a laptop for Chess#19

You wrote that you are from Germany. You may want to check the site . They do the best laptops tests I know of: They do not just copy&paste the manufacturer and add some subjective j…

General Chess Discussion - What is the BEST response against 1. d4 as black ?#23

The best scoring system against 1. d4 and most probably objectively the strongest is the Nimzo-Indian. But: You need to add something to your repertoire because you cannot play it against two white op…

General Chess Discussion - Mouse killcount#5

Is it you Hans ?
