
Search "user:Sir_Mittens_Esq"

6 forum posts
Game analysis - This was a very bad game#2

dat endgame tho

General Chess Discussion - So strong players really love their fast time controls, huh?#10

Maybe they play so much slow tournament and OTB chess that lichess is the only place they can play fast games.

Off-Topic Discussion - Youtubers You Enjoy Watching?#27

@Rrhyddhad JP is interesting to listen to when he talks about psychology and politics. I have strong disagreements with him about religion and philosophy though.

Off-Topic Discussion - Does anyone here really enjoy reading?#14

I was into fantasy fiction as a teenager, then moved on to non-fiction science and philosophy books, and now I mostly just listen to podcasts so I can listen while I go about my day.

Off-Topic Discussion - Youtubers You Enjoy Watching?#25

I'll mostly look up Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson videos. For chess I'll watch ChessNetwork, agadmator and occasionally chessbrah

Lichess Feedback - Claim victory/draw#3

It would be nice to know how much time we get to reconnect. I've lost even classical time control games in winning positions because I didn't have time to reconnect.
