
Search "user:arjunsawant"

233 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Conratulations to Putins scam election victory#6

@what_game_is_this said in #1: > Please explain the reasoning. Do you want the people to be happy or terrorized by Putin? > > Same for India. yo. India is not a authoritarian regime, unlike russia, ch…

Game analysis - Guess the elo#13

@LordSupremeChess said in #12: > Somewhere in between 1-3000 no somewhere between 1000-2500 both players

Lichess Feedback - 7 moves in one second possible#7

@Marlonc said in #4: > It is possible to pre-move, which is when you move your piece or pawn to its destination square while it is not your turn. If one does this and one's opponent does not, then ips…

Off-Topic Discussion - Stockfish sacrifices... THE ROOOOOOK!!!#12

@The_Inverse_Tangent said in #1: > i tried but it shows Re8 lol is ur engine stockfish level 0! xD

Off-Topic Discussion - Stockfish sacrifices... THE ROOOOOOK!!!#11

@LordSupremeChess said in #8: > What is your scientific degree in astrophysics? what is a scientific degree in astrophysics

Off-Topic Discussion - Stockfish sacrifices... THE ROOOOOOK!!!#10

@The_Inverse_Tangent said in #9: > I don’t even know what actrophysics mean astrophysics is a type of physics

Off-Topic Discussion - A joke that cant offend anyone#62

if he is his mom

Off-Topic Discussion - A joke that cant offend anyone#60

@clousems said in #7: > “Your mother is so plus-sized that her blood type is Ragú, and I only know that because her insurance company failed to adequately protect her privacy rights” yo literally offe…

General Chess Discussion - i got 1900!!!!!#26

Lol now i am 2100

General Chess Discussion - i got 1900!!!!!#25

@Edo_Cribbio said in #17: > You got 1900? Nice! Now get 2000! i did
