
Search "user:nrxszvo"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - stockfish 13+ NNUE not loading (Chrome 89)#5

Clearing the cache worked, thanks a lot for the help!

Lichess Feedback - stockfish 13+ NNUE not loading (Chrome 89)#3

The console reports: failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): expected 21048580 bytes, fell off end @+762397 stockfish.js:11 CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiat…

Lichess Feedback - stockfish 13+ NNUE not loading (Chrome 89)#1

For the past few weeks, Stockfish remains perpetually in the 'loading engine...' state during analysis. Cloud analysis loads, but after cloud, Stockfish never updates again. I'm using Chrome 89. Diagn…

Lichess Feedback - Why isn't single bishop + king an automatic draw?#5

Thanks everyone! I stand corrected.

Lichess Feedback - Why isn't single bishop + king an automatic draw?#1

When one player only has a single bishop and king remaining, and the other player runs out of time, the result is a win for the single-bishop player. Since it's not possible to mate with only a single…
