
CBZ Chess Select

12 members

Dear CBZ Chess Team,

Congratulations on being chosen to battle for the chance to represent our organization at the upcoming Interbanks Games. This is a remarkable opportunity for you to showcase your skills and passion for the game of chess.

As you gear up for this challenging competition, remember to approach each match with determination, resilience, and a never-give-up attitude. Believe in your abilities and trust in the countless hours of training that have brought you this far.

With focus, strategic thinking, and unwavering teamwork, you have the power to seize this chance and secure your spot on the grand stage. We have utmost faith in your abilities and know that you will give it your all.

Best of luck as you compete for the coveted selection. May your moves be wise, your strategy flawless, and your spirit indomitable.

Go CBZ Chess Team!

Warm regards,



CBZ Tournament Arena10+0 • Rapid • Rated • 3h 30mInner team