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A crazy new gambit!

Hi chess players! This is my first content for lichess, so hopefully this is useful in your chess journey. Today I am teaching you a cool gambit that I learned (I've had much success with this gambit!).


disclaimer: this gambit is one based on tricks which depend on which move your opponent plays. In fact, in many lines white is lost with perfect play. This is only intended to be a fun gambit to occasionally play against friends.This gambit is not made to be part of an opening repertoire.
This gambit is played with the white pieces. It starts with the Scotch opening.

After 3...exd4 4.Ng5 we reach the next diagram.

The different variations

4...h6 variation

A lot of players will take one look at the position, and just kick the knight out, thinking 4.Ng5 was just a waste of time. You have a surprise for them! After 4...h6 you sacrifice your knight! After 5.Nxf7, we reach this diagrammed position.

Obviously your opponent has to take, since your knight is forking their queen and rook. So 5...Kxf7 is played. You now can play 6.Bc4+

Now here is where a lot of players mess up. They will think that they can just retreat their king back to safety with 6...Ke8. This turns out to be a huge mistake though, as you now have a forced checkmate in six moves! 7.Qh5+ g6 8.Qxg6+ Ke7 9.Qf7+ (Bringing the king to the center) Kd6 10.e5+ Kc5 (10...Nxe5 11.Qd5+ Ke7 12.Qxe5#, 10...Kxe5 11.Qf4#) 11.Qd5+ and Qb5# next move.

The beautiful checkmating position

4...Be7 variation

This is a harder to prove line than the previous line. In fact, many lines are bad for white with perfect play.
I will not get into all the lines now, but I'll just give a few. 5.Nxf7 Kxf7 6.Bc4+ and the computer recommends 6...Kf8 with a -4.8 evaluation. 6...Ke8 7.Qh5+ g6 8.Qd5 looks good for white as the queen shifted around to the other side to checkmate.

However, 8...Bb4+ undermines the attack. 9.c3 Qe7 (Guarding against checkmate) 10.cxb4 Nxb4 11.Qa5 Qxe4+ 12.Kf1 Nc2 traps the rook and wins the game.
A disaster to be aware of


To wrap things up, the Wayward Knight Gambit (Which is what I call this gambit. Forgive me if it already has a name) is something to be aware of, and something you could score some nice wins with. In my following content I'll try to cover more sound matters instead of cheapo tricks. There are some nice games in the openings database here on lichess (Master games too!) that you could look into:
Thank you for reading my first blog, and if you liked this please like this content and follow me! I'll be back with more content soon, bye!