

Hello. I received a message from Lichess upon reaching 2400 in classical chess which advised that I contact Lichess staff to verify a title (if I have one) to avoid suspicion of cheating. I do not have any chess title, however I am a legitimate 2100 rated USCF player. Is there any way that I can verify this to Lichess without having to post my USCF page for anybody to view? Thanks.
just dont put it on ur profile, u dont need to verify anything... i myself was 2100 when i made my account, and i reached 2600 and i didnt need to verify anything until i truly got my NM title :)
You can email the moderators your USCF id card...
The +300 elo deviation is in line with another player I know. He is slightly above 1900 OTB, but here on lichess in 10 min games, he has a rating above 2200. In general, Lichess players are overrated compared to their real playing strength. I'm weaker, but the deviation on my level is still between 100 and 200 elopoints.
You can send an e-mail to Lichess, where you can attach your USCF page to verify your elo. :)

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