
I had 25 spectators watching my game!

My moment of lichess fame, haha. I took advantage of some technical problems and managed to get the "Top rated bullet game" on TV, I guess.

Didn't play pretty well, drew on time, but had 25 spectators, as already mentioned. :-)

Hello, I have the same message as you in the top of your screen "network error" and "reconnecting", I think its because my network block some webstites, but contrary to u, I cant play, so is there a solution to play again?
I have an issue sometimes, when being on TV. When the number of spectators gets really large, the screen judders whenever a player leaves or starts kiebitzing.
During a bullet game this can get on my nerves.
Getting into bullet top translations is an awesome achivement. Bullet on lichess is a royal varian, since many strong players here play only bullet because of high quality-of-service.
#5 I've long wanted to post about this problem, but was thinking it's only me.
Would anyone be interested in a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script that would hide the user list, or possibly the chat window?

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