

`This is slightly embarrassing - @MahatmaGanja resigned a few games in a row after just a couple of moves upon matching me in the casual game pool (2. nc3 wasn't a move he liked for some reason).

I had enough of that and decided to block him, after which I opened his TV to see if he continues the behaviour (he did) and apparently forgot the window opened.

The assumption I would be using bots to bother a user I had two very short encounters with is quite far fetched.

I wish you well and unblocked you if you would rather discuss it in private.

Sincere apologies if I caused you any discomfort,
Oh. I guess that would explain it. But the fact that you left that tab open for 4 days. FOUR days. Is highly suspicious. And the fact you NEVER noticed it OR closed it is even more suspicious. ANDDDDD in addition to that, you didn't stay there. If you left the tab open, your name would stay there. However, you were coming back and leaving at intervals, so likely a bot script. IN conclusion, what you just said is likely not true. Mr bongcloud can confirm too.
I believe him, even though he continued to watch on/off for quite a long time. But I think he was just curious of him.
Well either way, as far as I can tell it stopped, so no need to debate this further. Thanks for the community support ;)
Some users in this thread took it to their hands to "avenge" @MahatmaGanja and began to harass me in private messages calling me a liar and claiming I'm using bots to intimidate other players.

I'd like to assure everyone that it is not the case and that the underlying issue was discovered and resolved.

Thank you,
I didn't try to harass you. I'm done. I don't talk to liars who did something bad, deny it, and continue to lie to my face.
But he is done. He got caught red-handed multiple times lying. So the problem is resolved. mods pls close this,
We still do not know that for sure! You can't just assume he was lying. For all that you know, he may have had no clue. How would we know? I have over 30 tabs open on chrome and I often don't shut my computer down for a week. Maybe he has a similar problem.

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