
David's Chess Journey - Installment 23

I liked the distinction you brought up at the end of your article. I also fell into the trap of reading "okay to great" stuff when I'm not ok yet.

However, I would like to quibble with your expectations and your wording:

> As a Beginner, focus on beginner stuff so you can make the transition from bad to okay. Once you are okay, you can dig deeper.

One thing I had to come to terms with is that, with my talent and age, that I will never be "okay". I could study chess the rest of my life and will always be a "beginner" using his terminology.

And I think my situation is the norm: to reach 2000 online (and presumably he is calibrating to rating) means that you are better than about 98% of the players I think. Very few have the talent, time, and interest to reach this level. Almost everyone will stay a "beginner" by his definition.
Thanks for your note and quibble - always welcome.

I was reading the book Mastery by George Leonard yesterday. He offers a really good perspective that is worth a read and I'm going to reflect on it further in another post. My main take away so far was that whether we stay as beginners our entire chess journey or eventually move on to being okay, the point is that we are on a journey and the point is the journey. Enjoying practicing, learning and playing is the point for me. Mathematically what you are saying is irrefutable and we all need to come to peace with various aspects of reality and the journey we are on.

Best of luck on your journey!