
Opponent's Clock Runs Out, Still Able to Move

Played in a bullet tournament. I thought I had won the game because my opponent's clock timed out. My opponent then moved. So I moved. About 1 or 2 seconds later, he moved again. So I moved.....
I'm sure my opponent was able to move 3 times (it might've been only 2) after his clock ran out......but regardless, it felt like at least an extra 3 or 4 seconds. I've looked at the move times and they don't add up. Any ideas what's going on?
Could it be lag... (problems with the internet connections, sometimes this happen when you (ex.) download something or stream (ex. music in youtube)
As far as I know, when you premove, Lichess does not substract any time from your clock. So if you premove all your moves you could "freeze" your clock as long as you keep premoving.

The reason the move times don't add up is because they are rounded up. So if you took 1,2 seconds to move it will probably say 2 secs.
#2 I'm thinking it could be the lag compensation that's employed on the site - but I'm sure Thibault said it was capped
#3 Yeah but then I would expect the moves to be 'stacked up' as it were - as soon as I move, my opponent's move is made but that wasn't the case, there was a definited delay between me making my move an the opponent's.
The averaging, I appreciate but the rounding up and down should tend toward =/- (1 rounding error) the more moves are made.......
Surely that shouldn't be allowed? If the clock runs out, it should end the game as it is - pre-moves should be nulled?
Reasons given above - or.... there are hundredths of a second left, which aren't shown on the clock but still taken into account, so the clock rounds down to zero, but premoves still work because absolutely no time is taken off.
Now I'm confused :) You can imagine my frustration when the game didn't end when his clock reached 0:00 and the game never ended......I thought if the clock ran out and it was his move, I would be the winner.....isn't that the way it's meant to work?
The clock can only display so much.

If you are at 0.1 second, you could be at 0.19 or 0.15 or 0.12 seconds. Thus, when you are at 0.0 seconds, you might actually be at 0.09 seconds, and thereby your clock hasn't technically run out yet. You won't flag until it reaches 0.000000000000~ seconds. Since there is absolutely 0 clock penalty on premoves, those last 3 premoves kept the clock at 0.09 or 0.03 or 0.01 seconds, whatever it was at the instant the last move was registered. This is just a weird thing that can happen infrequently. Welcome to the world of digital time.
I'm thinking that maybe due to the addition of the super bullet clocks and such, someone might want to make an option to display hundredths of seconds once the clock gets under 10 seconds?

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