
Leaning into discomfort

Thanks, this is just what I needed as I procrastinating doing my homework by playing chess. XD
Lovely meditation method.
Yes thanks for the mediation presentation.
What if the distractions are on the chessboard, making plans, having too much imagination for the time control? How does one know they are distraction before they lose on time? Rhetorical question of sort.. unless your imagination can figure out an answer. Kind of kidding. I don't really want to lose those distractions, they are what makes me enjoy chess, being wrong or not, always a trip. But, I also can't help find dilemmas where I look, kind of how I keep going.
Dennismonasebian, it's not mat in two . I think the position is draw.
Hi. Thanks for the article, but can you specify the moves after which the position in diagram 2 was obtained?
The first one IS mate in two. Nxf4+ Kg3 Rg2# (The pawns cannot recapture, white moves towards you)

The second one, I see that white can threaten smothered mate in 2, but black can protect d6 with Nc6, so find no winning move...
No MillenniumBug, after Nxf4 the king come in g4 and after he can escape in h5. But now the problem has change by benji. Now it's really mat in 2 moves.