
Positional problems

Great ones, a thousand salutations to you and the ones you love!

What about some positional problems to solve? You know the kind of thing, you are given a scenario and asked to assimilate the elements and formulate a plan. Perhaps give a number of plausible scenarios and ask the student to choose which plan they think meets the demands of the position. This I think would be awesome because at present the net abounds in tactics but no positional problems - regards Robbie
Yes its a brilliant book! Something similar to the format would be awesome :D
What happened actually to Sultan Khan? Why did he quit his chess career after only 4 years? Was the weather in England only reason?
I think he had to go back and serve in the Punjab. Chess has characters like this that shine brightly only for a relatively brief period, Morphy, Sultan Khan, Lisa Lane to name a few :D

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