
Search "user:arna"

31 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Storm: Reactions, general opinions :)#12

I had the same problem, after having finished the storm, I opened one I did wrong, and as for the 2 others I've opened before and solved correctly I did not win any points, I assumed I would not lose …

FM arna
Lichess Feedback - in puzzles v2, on revisiting a puzzle already played, success marks (but not ratings) can change.#2

Yes, I had the same, it seems it's a bug from the v2 to fix. And in the personal profil it's marked as a miss.

FM arna
Lichess Feedback - How to get the "Class" menu?#1

Hi, How do you get the "Lichess Classes" menu in "Learn"? Some people have it, some others don"t. ( Thanks.

FM arna
Lichess Feedback - Add old games in database#1

Hello, 1) In the opening book, the Masters database is from 1952. Why not old games played before? They are not many but some of them are very important and instructive. 2) Which made me think to a gr…

FM arna
Lichess Feedback - Lichess Meetup in Paris this Sunday 25th#11

Hello, Ce même dimanche n'hésitez pas à aller voir les champions (top 10 mondial qui joue le Grand Chess Tour à Paris) au château d'Asnières-sur-Seine en fin d'après-midi ! Les photos d'hier : https:/…

FM arna
Lichess Feedback - Simul starting delay#6

Oh ok, moderation of the names would be annoying yes. Good idea for titled players only I think. Yes there are usually a lot of players asking to play a simul!

FM arna
Lichess Feedback - Simul starting delay#3

Oh ok. These conditions seem good. But I guess some days ago when my simul disappeared it was because I only switched to another tab of my browser, which is strange. Or maybe I did close the tab witho…

FM arna
Lichess Feedback - Simul starting delay#1

I saw that a created simul can end without having started, after some minutes. Do you know what is the delay to start the simul after having created it ? Or maybe it's not a question of a fixed delay …

FM arna