
Search "user:elan-the-bard"

151 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Queen's gambit refused?#1

in this( game, lichess gives the opening as queen's gambit refused. is this the system keeping things strait internally? i don't think this was ever standard nomencl…

Lichess Feedback - language markers#1

this is reality more of a nitpick than anything, but it would be nice if the language markers read in both the user's language and the other guy's. I hope I'm making sense.

Lichess Feedback - People offering draws all the time to disturb you#2

I haven't. i would think they would be easy enough to ignore after the first few times? if I'm wrong, i would hope the problem becomes/stays minor enough that the devs don't need to get involved.

General Chess Discussion - what are pawns really worth?#7

let us also remember that pawns have different power depending on where they are in relation to each other. tripped isolated pawns are not much better then one pawn, but three connected passed pawns o…

Off-Topic Discussion - flaw in chess rules ?#14

it is true that checkmate is kind of nonsensical in view of a real battle, but from another point of view, is it worth the extra complexity to modal reality? ANY tabletop game is an abstraction, and n…

Off-Topic Discussion - tech problem cover game#3


Off-Topic Discussion - tech problem cover game#1

forgive a bad subject line, but the game that lichess uses when it can't run normally (I forget exactly when) is really fun. is there a link to it out there or something? thanks!

General Chess Discussion - Why are Anonymous players so cocky ? #5

if you want an answer, the most frequent point is that the anonymity of the internet lets people be complete and utter jerks with no fear of repercussions. it is incredibly frustrating, but sadly the …

Off-Topic Discussion - For the lost#9

#8 aside from putting "harmless" in quotes, you are right. the tragedy is that these attacks create Islamophobia, which leads the west to be more aggressive in our outlook on the Islamic world, prolon…
