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130 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#81


General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#67

"And Russia is the last point, The Last Frontier, which wants peace on this damned planet." Oh yeah, and the US just wants peace and democracy for the world. Sure.

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#59

"Nothing to do with it"???? It has everything to do with it. Those at the top, the wealthy business and government interests that control everything LOVE God and religion because it keeps the masses i…

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#57

Look guys, the more you reply, the more I'm forced to clarify the truth. But this is not the thread for politics or religion, this is supposed to be about how awesome chess is. We have derailed this t…

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#56

"every second word in America is: God bless America!" And this disturbs me greatly, given the time we live in.

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#54

"EVERYONE steals anything from anywhere he cans. It's pity but it's normal way of living here." There's a difference between stealing and hoarding/robbing. We are all getting robbed BIG TIME, if a man…

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#52

But that guy calling Putin a "national hero" is the equivalent of a fellow American saying the same about Bush or Obama. In other words: Either they are willfully ignorant or borderline retarded.

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#50

Are you kidding me? Do you SERIOUSLY think that I believe only Russia has a corrupt government? The US foreign policy is equally atrocious.

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#47

That proves the existence of God and the greatness of Putin right there.

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#44

