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47 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Anand or Carlsen?#26

i think that is a completely different example than leading off with it in a world championship match. in the game you cite, carlsen is just being carlsen. In a tourney game he is very unlikely to put…

General Chess Discussion - Anand or Carlsen?#21

have you spent any time on the classical variation of the caro kann? I challenge you to spend 20 minutes on it and then tell me you wouldn't make the same statement. My point is the pundits said carls…

General Chess Discussion - Anand or Carlsen?#19

so i guess im saying after 1...c6

General Chess Discussion - Anand or Carlsen?#18

@moral 3...dxe4

General Chess Discussion - Anand or Carlsen?#14

after game two all of the pundits were saying magnus doesn't play for a draw as black... i could have drawn game 2 against him if i was wearing a vishy suit

Lichess Feedback - Team abuse#2

the russians are invading :O

Off-Topic Discussion - Today XKCD#3

mate in three

Lichess Feedback - Graph doesn't start at 1200#8

hmmm i should have looked before i thought. it appears that the graphs do only show a set amount of recent games.

Lichess Feedback - Graph doesn't start at 1200#7

sound logic clarkey except for two things. one, your suggestion actually makes a flatter graph over the long term, since it will begin close to the player's actual rating (ducy?). and unless there is …

Game analysis - Defeat Stockfish in level 1#3

stockfish: lv 1
