
Search "user:Isemmelweis"

19 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How can I publish a blog post to the Community blogs?#9

Nice blog !

Game analysis - Play hard#1

Do you think you can humiliate? , xD well this guy thought about it

Game analysis - A perfect game in the Caro Kann.#3

Can Karo should be happy.

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General Chess Discussion - help please !#9

Yes Thanks for all for your advices!

Lichess Feedback - How can I put a red box that says "follow me" in a blog?#3

Thanks I thought wrong. what a shame :C

General Chess Discussion - help please !#7

@InkyDarkBird said in #6: > For YOU, there isn't a box, but for others, there is a box. LOL what a shame, thanks for all <3

General Chess Discussion - help please !#5

@TheKingClash said in #3: > Why do you want random people to follow you anyway, or put a lot of effort into putting a box on your blog? Chess is probably the main reason why you came here so why not f…

General Chess Discussion - help please !#4

@InkyDarkBird said in #2: > It will always appear by default after you post a blog. > There is no option to enable or disable it. Man look at my blog, there is not a box :c

General Chess Discussion - help please !#1

Hello guys, I need help to put a red box that says "like" and a blue box that says "follow me" on my blog, every blog have this box :/ But I dunno how to.... :/ please help me!
