
Search "user:Kawaei48"

46 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Daily Pozzles - a history with some stats would be nice#3

I would also add the start/end date/time.

General Chess Discussion - The sound of the moves disappeared.#4

@Gravija Thankyou. I haven't had sound on Firefox for over a year when watching games. I had to click on the page each time a new game started.

General Chess Discussion - I have reached the 2000 rating in puzzles#28

@Bishop1964 said in #25: > Such puzzles are a proof for me, that the rating of a puzzle can be completely irrelevant. I think this is very true in puzzle streak. I encounter problems I think are somew…

General Chess Discussion - I have reached the 2000 rating in puzzles#20

@v_u said in #10: > a serious question, I always thought that the puzzle ratings correlate with the actual rating of chess variants, but op has a lower rating in blitz/rapid/etc. It very much depends …

General Chess Discussion - I have reached the 2000 rating in puzzles#19

@george_mcgeorge said in #15: > But puzzle rating seems just a little off - afterall, you can "farm" with the daily or with easy puzzles. You can't farm easy puzzles, Lichess won't give you anything f…

General Chess Discussion - Broke 2500 Puzzle Rating#11

I would say congratulations, but I think you're 2248 bullet rating is much more impressive.

General Chess Discussion - Broke 2500 Puzzle Rating#10

@romy06 said in #8: > Cool, You have any tips for us @KingRod ? General advice: Avoid frustration, anger, tiredness, overconfidence, and laziness. Don't do puzzles for hours straight. One way to accom…

General Chess Discussion - Second Monitor Youtube/Twitch/somethingelse cheating?#7

Was it known that looked at the switch to other windows to catch cheaters? If not, they really shouldn't have said anything, now the cheaters know not to do that.

General Chess Discussion - Second Monitor Youtube/Twitch/somethingelse cheating?#6

"mobile" is a separate computer. But how does one get the board position into their mobile during a bullet game against Penguin?

General Chess Discussion - Second Monitor Youtube/Twitch/somethingelse cheating?#3

We just have to wait for the cheater with software skills who writes code that inputs an image of an online chessboard and outputs the piece position - to a chess engine, all running on a separate com…
