
Search "user:awesomenessrichard"

10 forum posts
Game analysis - An unusual puzzle in my examination#3

think so too... #2

Lichess Feedback - Inserting Variant Lines#1

Is it possible to insert variant lines into a game that you have already played? ChessWhiz did this in Episode 93, but I don't know how to do it. Can someone tell me how?

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: punishment for aborting self-inititated games#2

interesting lots of people create a game, and then after seeing his opponent, immediately abort. i agree.

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General Chess Discussion - Ranking System#16

+1`for ranking

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Lichess Feedback - Antichess#4

Yeah, that's sure weird... Before, it was ¨variant ending, Black is victorious¨.

Game analysis - Smoothered mate!#4

not really, since the king as two escape squares: e4 and d2, which are covered by the f5 pawn and the b3 knight, respectively

General Chess Discussion - etiquette in rated games#14

Actually, as coledavis said, takebacks and asking for extra time ruin the quality of rated games. In bullet, blitz, and even classical games, if your time runs out it's your fault that you let your ti…

General Chess Discussion - Who are the strongest antichess players on the site?#24

Antichess is a variant that often lower-rated players in other variants of chess are good at, as it is a game where very few people make preparation.
