
Who's the most famous person you've ever met?

@AyaanshGaur12 said in #47:
> Oh, you died from food poisoning and are writing this message from heaven?

You don't need a face-to-face conversation (or death) to meet God. You can't directly contact God but he can give you guidance through the Holy Spirit if you allow it into your heart.
@dstne said in #48:
> lol as if I have to go to heaven to meet God.
dunno in Christianity maybe you can do that...the only way you can meet god is either in your dreams or if he took an avatar, however we won't know whether its an avatar or not.
@Oliver131313 said in #51:
> You don't need a face-to-face conversation (or death) to meet God. You can't directly contact God but he can give you guidance through the Holy Spirit if you allow it into your heart.
He'll give you guidance, and through that you can if you want to meet the holy spirit, but not Jesus himself.