
Best countries

King of the Hill
1.Russia 11
2.Germany 10
3.India 5
4.Canada 3
5.Peru 3
6.Ukraine 3
7.France 3
8.Turkey 3
9.Armenia 2
10.Finland 2
The rating is based on the number of players from these countries in the top 100.
The data is based on the countries indicated in the profiles of players from the top 100.
1.Russia 11
2.Ukraine 9
3.USA 5
4.UK 5
5.Canada 4
6.Germany 3
7.India 3
8.Armenia 2
9.Poland 2
10.Czechia 2
The rating is based on the number of players from these countries in the top 100.
The data is based on the countries indicated in the profiles of players from the top 100.
Racing Kings
1.Russia 11
2.Ukraine 12(5)*
3.Germany 5
4.USA 5
5.Iran 4
6.Canada 4
7.UK 4
8.Turkey 3
9.India 3
10.Netherlands 2
The rating is based on the number of players from these countries in the top 100.
The data is based on the countries indicated in the profiles of players from the top 100.
*The consequence of political action. The number in parentheses is the maximum number of people from that country based on available data. This is the basis for calculating Ukraine's place in the ranking.

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