
WIN with 1. f4! | Bird Opening

500 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Usual Setup
  3. Section 1: Dutch Variation 1...d5
  4. Dutch Variation: 2...c5 Massive Attack!
  1. Bosburp

Openings: Catalan

1 • J-Jones •
  1. Intro
  2. Open Catalan, Mainline (Qc2, Classical Line)
  3. Open Catalan, Second Mainline (Ne5)
  4. Open Catalan, Mainline 3
  1. J-Jones

Gambito Danés.

5 • L46UN35 •
  1. Main Opening Ideas.
  2. Goodbye.
  3. Poisoned Pawn.
  4. Beginner Mistake.
  1. L46UN35

(In progress) Bf4 against the Indian defense

2 • HeyyItsDylan •
  2. CHAPTER 1.1 - 4... Nxd5
  3. 5... Bb4+
  4. 5... Bd6
  1. Xzy_9111581314
  2. HeyyItsDylan

NiveynFernando's Study

2 • NiveynFernando •
  1. Instructions
  2. Draw
  3. e4 Kings pawn
  4. Four knights game
  1. NiveynFernando

Queen's Gambit | Full Repertoire

895 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: Queen's Gambit Accepted
  3. QGA: Rosenthal Defense 3...e6
  4. QGA: Classical Defense 3...Nf6-4...e6-5...c5
  1. Bosburp

Scandinavian! all i found+Notes

2 • colt45nine •
  1. Scandinavian for White: intro + Var. names links
  2. Scandinavian(1.e4 d5)!! Englund Gambit(1.d4 e5?) Hell Nah
  3. MAIN LINE (3...Qa5 with 5.d3
  4. B01 Scandinavian Defense: Valencian Variation, Main Line (9.O-O-O Bb4)
  1. colt45nine

Winning attempts for white in the Bg5 Sicilian Najdorf

85 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. 6...Nbd7 Bc4
  3. 6...Nbd7 Bc4 with black castling queenside
  4. 6...Nbd7 f4 mainline (black advantage)
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Gambit fegatello et traxler all moves

1 • skinox21 •
  1. Fegatello et Traxler
  1. skinox21
  2. STM-skinox21
  3. kakashi974

Opening London System (White)

1 • ReneHH •
  1. London System
  2. Chess Vibes Traps (1)
  3. Chess Vibes Traps (2)
  1. ReneHH
  2. kyamkyam009

Ponziani opening (traps too) by Chess Giant

2 • Sevarkonya •
  1. Ponziani start
  2. Prep against d5 (black's strongest response)
  3. Prep against Nf6
  4. Trap from d5 line
  1. Sevarkonya

A New Way of Playing The Blackmar-Diemer

1 • HeyyItsDylan •
  2. SECTION 1 - 3... Nf6
  3. 4... Nc6
  4. 4... e6
  1. Xzy_9111581314
  2. HeyyItsDylan

The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack: Confound Black!

1 • Hello0987654321 •
  1. 1. b3
  2. 1. ...d5: Classical Variation
  3. 1. ...e5: Modern Variation
  4. 1. ...nf6: Indian Variation
  1. BTSJin
  2. Hello0987654321

Crushing The Philidor Defence

2 • booooooooomnmmmm •
  1. exd4 g6
  2. exd4 Be7
  3. Kovasevic A. - Kelecevic M.2004
  4. HanHam Variation Ngf6 Blunder.
  1. booooooooomnmmmm

Italian Game as White

3 • Ravenito •
  1. Introduction
  2. Giuoco Piano
  3. Anti-Fried Liver Defence
  4. Paris Defence
  1. Ravenito

Master the English Opening

2 • Isthei •
  1. Understanding the opening
  2. Game 1
  3. Game 2
  4. Game 3
  1. Isthei