
Top 10 active Lichess players

Nice blog. It would be nice if you can expand it with the average time spent and not only number of games. It is too easy to get 100 ultrabulletgames in a day compared with 100 blitzgames.
I recently played an atomic chess marathon and sat for 24 hours without a break) I wasn't distracted for a minute :) but it's better not to do that too often
@Statham_13 said in #4:
> I recently played an atomic chess marathon and sat for 24 hours without a break) I wasn't distracted for a minute :) but it's better not to do that too often

When I was 20 years younger I also played such marathons (otb). Now it is almost suicide.
@Statham_13 said in #4:
> I recently played an atomic chess marathon and sat for 24 hours without a break) I wasn't distracted for a minute :) but it's better not to do that too often
me too i grinded for 19 hrs
I played like 97 atomic games today for 2 hrs around, wastes so much time, and i have school