
3 Best Chess Endgame Books

Yeah, I liked the Keres book too. Also Averbakh's Chess Endings: Essential Knowledge.
André Chéron(1895-1980) seems to be forgotten in the chess world, like so much else.
He is regarded as one of the most important endgame theorists.
Four volume work Nouveau Traité complet d'échecs. Lehr und Handbuch der Endspiele I - IV.
When I was active, Keres' book. Now I my favorites are Chernev's book on Capablanca's endgames and any thin [100 or fewer pages] endgame book [for review because I am at the stage where I'm working to slow the decline due to forgetting stuff]. Only exception is Perlo's endgame tactics which so much fun I don't notice how thick it is.
I favorite of mine is "Chess Endgame Training" by FM Bernd Rosen.
There are a lot of excercises in there which is important. A lot of books don't get this right. They give you a bunch of knowledge about endgames, but don't let you practice these positions.
It's an endgame workbook, so you have to really sit down and learn.

Another book I like is Mastering Endgame Strategy by Hellsten.

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