
Chess Books for Improvement. Do You Read Any? Any Recommendations?

I think that "process thinking" books are good books (Silman, Heisman, for exemple)
If you buy one book, choose the good one, and read it (i mean : studying it) until the end. One book after one book.
May be ending books : it will help you to think better.
there is no book better than another. This one will be good for you, but not for another guy.
do not buy books that promise too much improvment (+400 Elo in 400 days......)

tomorrow is another day !

My favorite books are game collections about one player. Especially when written by the player him(h
er)self. Playing through a complete game gives a great understanding of the flow of chess. Playing games of the legends puts you by their side and is very entertaining. More than solving a tactical problem or memorizing an opening line, although those can be good also. But I grew up before computers, so perhaps I am a little old fashioned.
#23 I disagree. Game collections about one player are often very biassed in commentary and in games selection. It is often a collection of brilliant games, that conveys a false impression that chess is always like that. In reality the brilliant games are often the exception. I prefer tournament and match books. This gives a more realistic image of the game, as those contain all games of the event.
Chess is not about the application of general principles that can well be expressed in words, on a slightly more subtle level. It takes place in another domain, where words are hopelessly inadequate.

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