
Lichess blitz rating - FIDE ELO - DWZ comparison

@petri999 This is normal procedure. Because rating numbers do not reflect the real performance after a period of time if there is a long period of time between tournaments. Whether Covid or no Covid.
@petri999 Therefore tournaments may only be evaluated in a certain period of time. This ensures that the rating number corresponds to the actual performance. At least that's the way it is in Germany. I don't know what it looks like in your country. Maybe you could ask someone from a chess club near you.
I know how works in Finland. Ratings are calculated and published on next thursday after the tournament. Fide rating are calculated once in a month. I dont think either has any provision for time off between tournaments etc.
We have guidelines as to when a tournament must be submitted for evaluation at the latest. We currently have a case with our club championship. It is a 7 round Swiss system tournament that had to be interrupted last November. We want to continue the club championship after the summer vacation. That is a problem with the evaluation of the club championship.
Well that is obviously an issue. In finland the partial results would have been submitted when pause took place. Same for team championship. all results are submitted after the weekend that the matches took place. Obviously that situation needs some addressing. Although people by and large do not get better at chess ;) Most people over 20 changes even duration of year and negligible. But exceptions do happen and young player quite often have nasty habit of getting better
With us, the tournaments always have to be evaluated as a whole. We cannot submit partial results.

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