
It's not winter in the South Hemisphere...

What about the 'Marathon where you never leave your chair'-marathon! :D
#15, Quick fact check Brazil is 7th in terms of GDP (regardless of PPP adjustment:

Further, about 90% of the world lives in the Northern Hemisphere:

Is this really a cause for offense? It seems like a non-issue.

As an aside, calling it a December marathon doesn't fully work either, as not everyone uses a Gregorian calendar (see Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan and Ethiopia).
The marathons are seasonal, in that it is of the year divided by four natural divisions. Because the seasons are ordered, the first would be Spring and the last would be Winter. This is characterized by time, not the climatic conditions.

Just pretend it's Winter, if you want.
#24 LOL

#1 Lichess is run from Europe, that civilised place where winter takes place at the RIGHT time of year. I suggest you move to Europe if you feel out of kilter with the seasons. It really isn't our fault that your seasons are all mixed up :D
Maybe just name this marathon "Summer Marathon" for peoples who have selected a country in the South Emisphere and "Winter Marathon" for the others.
You don't really have to be selfish because one was born on the "wrong side of the planet (ie. Australia etc.).

I actually like Solal35's suggestion most (though, there will still be people confused about talks in the forums (winter?/summer?), but there's only one marathon in a while, so no big problems expected from my point of view).
Solal35, ain't gonna work. People will be saying 'I won the Summer marathon', and nobody will have a clue which marathon it was. Actually, having different names for the same event is much worse than just having a controversial name.
Or let the users vote and close the topic. It is like with any decision, and lichess, as far as I understand, is not international in terms of the crew, it is international only in that it allows members from over the world to participate in what is offered.

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