
Happy April Fools!

have you heard the news? Magnus is coming back to world championship chess !

April fools
@Oportunist said in #6:
> have you heard the news? Magnus is coming back to world championship chess !
> April fools
OMG I totally believed it even after you said april fools!!
Would've been better to have said this thing first, let people react and then say april fools tbh.
@AyaanshGaur12 said in #7:
> OMG I totally believed it even after you said april fools!!
> Would've been better to have said this thing first, let people react and then say april fools tbh.

i like to make people happy
Is this also april fools?
I'll say "Oh that's good" and you will reply "LOL April Fools I don't like to make people happy haha"

Someone wise said that:
"We should never trust anything on April Fools."

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