
Search "user:rowurboatmofo"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Board Resize is Poorly Made#1

It's annoying that there's no stickyness in the board resizing. I don't want to have to make my board bigger each game or each time I log in. Just today too I tried to log in and play and accidentally…

Lichess Feedback - Engine in Crazyhouse glitching#1

Stockfish seems to have some problems in crazyhouse analysis mode figuring out who's to move. It then gives weird feedback about who's winning, even in clearly lost situations, I can send a picture if…

General Chess Discussion - I beat chess.#16

@GoMentalGoBloody economics ;D And I agree about the opportunity cost thing. That's why im trying not to get upset that my ratings are slipping because I've got some very important things I need to be…

General Chess Discussion - I beat chess.#3

Do whatever works for you, man. If not playing chess is one of those things, that's great to hear.

Lichess Feedback - Crazyhouse Bug#1

Hello Developers, There is a persistent bug in some crazy house games where pieces (on either side) will disappear or never appear after an opponent will make a move. The move still shows up on the mo…

Lichess Feedback - Rating Volatility#2 First link is the short version, second link is the long version. Basically, lichess only use…

Lichess Feedback - Strange Chromebook Bug#4

Disabling extensions seemed to work. I the problem was very likely due to some bug caused by Ghostery or Adblock that was flagging an important process and was blocking the wrong thing.

Lichess Feedback - Tournaments for different rating levels#14

Yeah, I'm kind of against the layout of tournaments. I think there is a reason that lichess tournaments are so much fun, and tournaments are so poorly attended :P. Anyways, it's ni…

General Chess Discussion - Finally broke the 2000 barrier here ;) #16

I think I too will leave all my ratings at 2000 once I get there and move on to the slower time controls to really improve once I get the chance.

Lichess Feedback - Strange Chromebook Bug#1

Hello, I use google chrome on a chromebook to access the site. Until very recently, I could access all features like a normal computer can. As of half a week or so ago, I have been unable to interact …
